About me
Since October 2022, I am a doctoral student in theoretical computer science at Lund University and University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Susanna F. de Rezende and Jakob Nordström. I am funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software (WASP) program.
Before that, I completed the Master of Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam, where I graduated cum laude with a thesis on the relation between parameterized complexity and knowledge compilation, supervised by Ronald de Haan and Hubie Chen. I was partially funded by the E. W. Beth Foundation.
During 2021, I worked as a pre-doctoral researcher at the Logic and Reasoning (LoRea) research group of the University of the Basque Country under the supervision of Montserrat Hermo, studying the computational complexity of realizability and synthesis of temporal specifications. In 2020 I earned my BSc in Computer Science from the University of the Basque Country in San Sebastián, Spain, where I was born. During the academic year 2019-20, I was at the KU Leuven in Belgium, where I studied under the supervision of Marc Denecker and Matthias van der Hallen and wrote my BSc thesis on topics related to the empirical proof complexity of quantified Boolean formulas.
I am broadly interested in computational complexity theory and its interplay with logic. I am also intermittently interested in the philosophy of mathematics and mathematical practice. On the latter topic, I founded and co-organised the Φ-Math reading group in philosophy of mathematics at the ILLC.
I am also interested in game studies and narrative, particularly in video games, about which I have written in different Spanish publications.
A complete collection of my academic and non-academic writings can be found here.
My extended CV in PDF can be found here.
▷ Publications
▷ About me